This month we were delighted to have the following adoptions.
Noella ( now renamed Binky) was adopted by a couple in North Wales, Uk and is sharing her new home with her big brother Bryn.

Tuturica ( now renamed Daisy) was adopted in Dunfermline Scotland UK, by a couple and is going to enjoy walking in the Scottish countryside.

Annika and Nisha are two sisters who were adopted together and have gone to live in the beautiful countryside in Somerset UK.

Beautiful Matteo was adopted and travelled to his new home in Bielefeld in Germany.

Pretty little Smilla also travelled to a foster home in Hanover.

Last month this little beauty, Toni, (now renamed Suki) was adopted to a lovely home in Hastings UK, where she can spend adventurous days down on the beach.

I'm sure we all wish them the best of luck in their homes and look forward to seeing their progress in updates on our Happy Endings Facebook page.