An unbreakable bond by Washington State Magazine
“I had this calling that I could go over there and make a difference,” Becker says.
Becker (’80 DVM), the founder of Fear Free Pets and a former chief veterinarian on Good Morning America for 17 years, hoped to remedy a surge of dog bites at the Romanian border. Read more
On World Animal Day that is celebrated every year the 4th of October , our member league Sava’s Safe Haven has launched the first animal welfare programme for children between 7 to 10 years old Read more
I was at Sava’s Safe Haven, a rural dog shelter in southeastern Romania near a town called Galati (pronounced Ga-Latz), and I was touring it as a board member of the US-based World Vets (www.worldvets.org), a representative of the organization I founded, Fear Free (fearfreepets.com) Read more
In this week’s all-new episode, Gwen speaks with Ashley Byrne of PETA and Alexandra Sava of Sava’s Safe Haven in Romania to get gripping firsthand accounts of what’s being done to save cats, dogs, and other four-legged refugees from the war zone in Ukraine—and, of course, what YOU can do in this crisis to help save lives TODAY! read more
La volontaria Alexandra Sava del rifugio per animali Sava’s Safe Haven in Romania. L’associazione di Sava è partner di Oipa International dal 2016 e sin dai primi giorni del conflitto in Ucraina si occupa di fornire assistenza agli umani e ai loro animali che fuggono dalla guerra. read more
A month ago, Alexandra Sava was caring for the animals at Sava’s Safe Haven, her family’s shelter in a small village in Romania, and putting together plans for the country’s first pet pantry. That month now seems like a lifetime ago read more
A veterinarian travels to Romania and Moldova to find ways to aid global efforts to help pets and people fleeing the violence and destruction of the war in Ukraine. read more
About 30 miles from the border, near the town of Galaţi, Romania, a handful of portable buildings sit on a rectangular plot wedged between wheat fields. A gate and four ferocious-looking German shepherds keep unwanted visitors out. The 23,000-square-foot complex is the unlikely looking home of 300 dogs and about 20 cats. read more
The Sava family has rescued 5,000 abandoned and injured animals in Romania over the last 10 years - now they're on a mission to help communities who cannot afford to keep their pets after the pandemic read more
Elevii Şcolii Gimnaziale „Grigore Moisil” din Galaţi au învăţat, cu ocazia Zilei Internaţionale a Animalelor, sărbătorită în data de 4 octombrie, multe lucruri importante despre salvarea şi îngrijirea animalelor, de la asociaţia de protecţie a animalelor „Sava's Safe Haven” din judeţul Galaţi read more
Sava’s Safe Haven, OIPA’s member league association, is one of the charities that try to reduce the number of street animals in Romania through neutering/spaying projects. The charity also focuses on improving conditions and animal welfare matters in poor villages.. read more
Education in Romania: Changing attitudes one child at a time
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela
Sava’s Safe Haven, a long-standing SPCA International partner organization, is working with local schools to bring animal welfare education to children in Romania... read more
Founded in 2012, Sava’s Safe Haven finds and cares for strays across Romania where the homeless pet situation across towns, cities and villages is increasing all the time. Taking in dogs, cats, rabbits and birds, they strive to help as many find their fur-ever homes across the world, proving that love truly has no borders. Read more
For many years now, a shelter for rescued animals in Romania has been providing their 4-legged residents with Christmas cheer during the holidays—and the gratitude rings out in howls of delight through the snowy countryside.
Alexandra Sava is a veterinary technician who, together with her family, opened an animal shelter in 2012 which now houses over 250 dogs, cats, birds, and bunnies. Read more
Several things struck me about Sava's Safe Haven, but the main one is that Alexandra Sava seems to focus on the solutions to the problems rather than getting overwhelmed by all the animal welfare problems (and there are many in Romania). Read more
Sava’s Safe Haven is a family-run animal shelter in Galati, Romania. Since 2012, veterinary technician Alexandra Sava has worked alongside relatives and friends to care for dogs, cats, birds, and rabbits in need.
Every holiday season, the family prepares a special holiday event for the pets in their care. Read more
World Vets recently had a veterinary team in Romania where we worked with local partners to provide free sterilization services for hundreds of dogs and cats in the area of Galati. We would like to thank Sava’s Safe Haven as well as our dedicated group of volunteers who made this all possible. 200 + animals will live healthier and longer lives because of your efforts! . Read more
Santa Claus isn’t just for kids – he’s for pets too!
Sava’s Safe Haven is a family-run animal shelter that is located in Galati, Romania. And, since 2012, veterinary technician Alexandra Sava has worked with both friends and relatives to provide care for all animals – dogs, cats, birds, and rabbits – in need. Read more
Os cães do abrigo Sava’s Safe Haven já estão salivando com a proximidade do Natal. Como acontece todos os anos, Papai Noel chega cheio de presentes e petiscos para esses bichos que vivem em Galati, sudeste da Romênia.. . Read more
Pentru cel de-al 3-lea an, Asociaţia Sava’s Safe Haven împreună cu o organizaţie internaţională de medici veterinari, va organiza o campanie de sterilizare în judeţul Galaţi.
Timp de 3 zile, voluntarii implicaţi în această acţiune vor oferi asistenţă medicală gratuită, operaţii de sterilizare/castrare, deparazitare internă şi externă, dar şi tratamente precum şi consultaţii pentru animăluţele bolnave, în limita posibilităţilor. Campania este valabilă atât pentru pisici cât şi pentru câini. . Read more
Sava’s Safe Haven non-governmental, non-profit Animal Welfare association was founded by Oana Sava since 2012, to end the suffering of dozens of animals from streets.
Even before building this shelter, the founder of refuge endeavoured to help stray animals. She has fought to help the starve and ill dogs from streets offering them food , medical care and a place in her house. . Read more